As well as volunteering my time hosting beach clean events, over the years I've also been involved in various other volunteering roles, mainly related to helping marine life and most recently; people, helping those in the community finding it difficult to afford the basic food items.

British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR)
I joined British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) as a Marine Mammal Medic in April 2019.
I've attended call outs for reports of injured / abandoned seal pups and assisted in relays, transporting the seal to a rescue centers';Â including Hunstanton Sea Life Centre.
It hasn't always been seals I've attended to. I've attended a call out to a cetacean stranding (porpoise) on Boxing Day which lasted 5 hours, unfortunately it had to be euthanized.

Friends of Horsey Seals (FoHS)
I joined Friends of Horsey Seals (FoHS) as a Seal Warden in October 2019 through to 2021.
I was tasked with greeting visitors during the grey seal pupping season, making sure visitors kept their distance from the seals as well as answering questions about the seals.

Caister Community Larder
Founded in 2022 to help the Caister Community with food parcels, Caister Community Larder was formed! We now operate from the Caister Community Spoon building on the Caister Playing Field.
I volunteer my time collecting donations from Tesco & Lidl, as well as helping out at the Larder on the occasional Monday afternoon.