Norfolk Beach Cleans has big ideas for the future!
But most ideas need funding to get them off the ground...
All donations received towards the cause are put back into the group weather it be to fund additional equipment, replace broken equipment, general costs such as insurance, website, etc.
But there are projects that Norfolk Beach Cleans wants to support and feel are in line with the group's ethos!

I've seen this implemented on a few beaches and think if it's used properly, could be a viable solution to tackle the beach toy lotter problem!
During the summer beach cleans I found so many beach toys, most of which were not broken and still useable...
I stored them in my garage and so this summer I want to implement the 'Beach Toy Borrow Box' on one of the beaches in the Great Yarmouth Borough!
There's an organisation called 'The 2 Minute Foundation' and they operate a network of beach cleaning, litter picking and street cleaning stations that make it easier for people to take action against litter!
Norfolk Beach Cleans are working behind the scenes to secure funding to procure at least 1 if not more around the Norfolk coast!
Each station fully equipped is ~£550, but with donations and funding this will be possible!

Sustainable signage with a message that should be shown on every beach!
"Leave Nothing But Your Footprint On The Beach"
And take nothing but photos and remove nothing but litter from the beach too...
These signs are made by a man called John Legg at no cost but the postage.
He's made so many of these signs which are displayed all around the UK as well as abroad!

I'll be running an art workshop, available for everyone to attend (limited to 10 people).
In the workshop you'll create your very own beach litter art using the colourful plastic pieces collected from beach cleans!
Giving the plastic a whole new purpose whilst bringing out your crafty side...
See below link for more details on how to book tickets...

Many schools have contacted me regarding beach cleans and educational content and I think it's fantastic that this topic is being taught in schools!
I've hosted a few private beach cleans for school groups, taking time off from my day job to do it.
This is a service I offer at no cost to the school; however, I rely on donations and funding to be able to do this to cover costs for insurance, travel, parking (if applicable), my time and equipment wear & tear.
Educating the next generation is very important for the sake of the planet's future, so if I can contribute in my own way; I'm happy to do that!